
Visit Centiva's WebSite

  This section can help you decide and order which types of flooring would best suit you.

If you need to find out any more information, BRPA would be happy to answer any questions on [email protected]

This contact will also be suitable for ordering from the Centiva range.

Ordering Guidelines

For product specification, please use the following guidelins: material shall be Centiva by International floors America, Inc

<style>-<colour>-<surface>-<edge>in size<inches>x<inches>

All Centiva products should be installed with IFA recommended adhesives as well as a sealer and finisher.

IFA is capable of performing custom colour matching in our homogeneous product line. A minimum order of 45 sf per colour is required. There is a £70 strike off charge per custom colour request. The charge will then be credited against the invoice for that order. Allow ten working days for strike off delivery. Custom colour orders will be shipped within three weeks of approval of the srike off. No cancellation of order will be accepted once order has been placed in production.

Other company products-BRPA related

  • permafloor plus - drainage safety matting system
  • incastro, papillion, onda and legafloor - loose lay tile systems
  • Black diamond - primary entrance matting system
  • ComfortZone and blue chip six - proprietry carpet underlay systems
  • Elen studded, plain and confetti rubber tile systems
  • Kella carpet tiles - mexphalt backed tuffted carpet structures.